personality development

Every aspect of the Cambridge Court World School program has been designed to foster personal discovery and development. Along with the curriculum content, cultivating the student’s curiosity, intellectual skills, and study and work habits, confidence in his/her ability to master unfamiliar material and enthusiasm for learning comprise a major part of our goals for educating the children. While the academic program is interwoven with and inseparable from the school’s emphasis on all aspects of personal and character development, certain aspects that characterize daily classroom life can be articulated:
  • The atmosphere of the school is one of warmth, respect, and courtesy
  • The students wear uniforms daily and staff members observe a professional dress code
  • The academic program is departmentalized, with specialists teaching all subjects.
  • Teachers are carefully selected from among well-qualified applicants
As a part of personality development in school, we focus on the following areas:
  • Hobby classes – It is mandatory for our students to choose one hobby and then our qualified trainers’ further hone their skills. In these hobby classes, teachers teach them how to work in teams and develop leadership qualities.
  • Public speaking/Presentation skills – Effective communication and correct body language boost up one’s confidence which further sharpens and improves individual’s personality. People with good communication tend to have better and impressive personality. Our teachers with their persistent behavior train students on how they should speak their pronunciation and their body language. We also have dedicated faculty for spoken English and presentation skills.
  • News/General Knowledge –We inculcate a habit of following with global news for all students daily and also have general knowledge classes that enable them to develop cognitive thinking.
  • Moral Values –We conduct moral value classes on a regular basis to inculcate the sense of responsibility, increases emotional intelligence and enhances problem solving skills in our students.
The Personality Development program is an integral part of our education system and is followed religiously. We at Cambridge Court World School strive to be ‘the best’ in studies but at the same time we aim to develop our students to their utmost potential.

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